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Identifying Online Scams

Fraudsters are targeting online sellers with a number of different scams relating to payments, delivery & bank transfers.

Bank Transfer Scams This scam involves fraudsters using a fake banking app to take money from DoneDeal customers who advertise their goods online.

Fraudsters, posing as potential buyers, share a screenshot of a bank transfer using a fake app, falsely claiming that the money for the item has been transferred into your bank account.

How to avoid this scam

  • Never hand over goods until you have received payment confirmation

  • If receiving money into your bank account, check your account online to see if the money has been transferred before parting with any goods.

  • Do not trust

Payment & Delivery Scams

Fraudsters are sending fake Whatsapp and text messages targeting DoneDeal sellers with payment & delivery scams.

What is a payment & delivery scam?

Payment & delivery scam messages come from fake “buyers” and typically claim that they want to buy the item you have listed for sale and arrange delivery and payment via courier. They then ask you to follow a link they have sent you and to enter your bank or credit card details in order to receive the money they claim to have paid the courier, after which point you will be paid for your item. This is a payment and delivery scam.

Legitimate buyers will never send emails or text messages requiring DoneDeal sellers to:

  • Send credit/debit card or bank details

  • Arrange payment & delivery via a postal or courier service (An Post, DHL, Fastway)

  • Share personal information

  • Share user IDs, PIN numbers or passwords.

How to identify a scam message

  • These messages may be unrelated to the goods you have advertised

  • If the web address has more than one full stop “.” or hyphen “-” or has a strange make up.

  • Scammers can ask you to click a link to arrange delivery and/or accept payment via a courier service. Do not click the link or proceed.

  • Scam text or WhatsApp messages often come from mobile numbers outside Ireland starting with a different national code.

Example of some WhatsApp scams currently targeting DoneDeal sellers

Example 1: An Post Delivery Scam

  1. The seller receives a WhatsApp message claiming they want to buy an item and want to arrange delivery via An Post.

  2. The alleged buyer shares a link claiming to be from the An Post website.

  3. When the link is clicked it leads to a page that looks like a legitimate website with payment details and chat options.

  4. The seller is asked to input card details to receive payment and arrange delivery.

To help you identify this scam , here is a real life example experienced by one of our users:

Example 2: DoneDeal Delivery Scam

  1. The seller receives a WhatsApp message claiming they want to buy an item and want to arrange delivery via DoneDeal. DoneDeal delivery does not exist, this is a fake service created by the scammers.

  2. The alleged buyer shares a link claiming to be from DoneDeal.

  3. When the link is clicked it leads to a page that looks like a legitimate DoneDeal web page.

If you receive a suspicious Whatsapp or text message:

  • Do not - respond to the message

  • Never - share card details with buyers

  • Do not - click on any links, disclose your personal or financial details

  • Do - report the matter to our Customer Support Team immediately

  • Do - note the phone number, take a screenshot of the message and send it to us to investigate

  • Do - delete the message and block the person from your phone.

If you have already disclosed your personal banking details, please let your bank know immediately. Change your password details in your DoneDeal account.

For more information on how to stay safe while using DoneDeal please read through our Safety Tips

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