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Revealed: “Betsy” is the most popular car nickname in Ireland

Women and younger car owners are the most likely to give a nickname and associate a gender to their cars, according to new research from DoneDeal.

The survey on car-naming behaviour investigates the depth of the emotional connection between consumers and their cars as represented by the degree to which they personify and ascribe a gender to their vehicles.

The survey was conducted among 1,000 Irish motorists in February and also revealed that one in five car owners nickname their vehicles.

“These findings are pure fun but they also offer an insight into the emotional relationship the younger generation develops with their cars” said Martin Clancy from DoneDeal.

“Men are more likely to attribute a female gender to their cars while Women are the most likely to give the car a nickname. The research also uncovered that 60% of Men under 25 attribute a female gender to their car.”

Key Findings

  1. 1 in 5 name their vehicles

  2. Betsy the most popular car nickname in Ireland

  3. 1 in 3 vehicle nicknames begins with B

Top 3 Car Nicknames in Ireland

  1. Betsy

  2. Bessie

  3. Mary

Mostly She-Cars

  1. Six times as many female cars on the road as male

  2. 50% of owners identify their cars as either male or female

  3. Majority of males (51%) view their vehicle as female

  4. 25-35 Age Group most likely to identify their car as female (55%)

  5. Women 11% more likely than men to give their vehicle a nickname

Young much More Likely to Name Cars than Older People

  1. Car owners aged 18-34 are nearly twice as likely (23%) to name their car than those 35+ (12%).

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