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Tullamore Show & FBD National Livestock Show announces the National Launch for 2023

The National Launch 2023 took place at the Butterfield Estate as the Tullamore Show were delighted to welcome Avril and William R Gubbins back to Co. Offaly. The Gubbins Family are no strangers to the showing ring at Tullamore Show, they are very loyal competitors having competed at the Show for many years. Their Herd consists of Commercial and Pedigree Stock under the name of the Cush Herd, and they are in Co. Limerick. The Gubbins Family have had many success stories at Tullamore Show from Supreme Champion in 1992 on their first visit to the event and again in 2002 and 2012.

The National Launch was attended by Show personal and representatives of FBD as both parties strive to continue their strong and successful alliance.

John Cahalan, Chief Commercial Officer, FBD Insurance stated: “FBD Insurance is proud to partner with FBD Trust to support the Tullamore Show for 2023. At FBD, we’re extremely proud to be the sponsor of the FBD National Livestock Show at the Tullamore Show and we are delighted to be working with the Tullamore Show committee in the lead up to this year’s show. On behalf of FBD, I wish everybody involved in organising the Tullamore Show, as well as the competitors, exhibitors, and attendees all the very best from the team at FBD Insurance. We look forward to seeing you all in Tullamore in August.”

Michael Dolan (Livestock Chairman), Avril Gubbins (Cush Herd), Chelsey Cox McDonald (Secretary Tullamore Show), Emer O’Byrne (FBD), Joseph Molloy (Tullamore Show Chairman), William R Gubbins (Cush Herd) & Pat Gilligan (FBD) at the National Launch 2023

The Show will take place on Sunday 13th August 2023 at the Butterfield Estate and will feature over 1,000 classes with a massive prize fund of €175,000 along with a range of highly sought-after Gold and Silver Medals for the Livestock competitors.

The Tullamore Show and FBD National Livestock Show will showcase classes in Dairy, Pedigree, Commercial and Sheep. The Pedigree section is delighted to host the National Show for Simmental, Charolais, Limousin and Hereford. There are over 12 breeds of Pedigree Cattle competing for the ever sough after Gold and Silver Medals. The Commercial Cattle section is delighted to host the Commercial Blonde d’Aquitaine Sired Calf extravaganza for its first year, with a prize fund of €2000. The Sheep programme will be expanding this year with introduction of the Lanark Sheep Breed All Ireland Classes.

Online Entries will be opening very soon, visit for more information.

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