New Camera Control via the ISOBUS System
Only one terminal needed for hoeing machines
Previously, farmers needed two terminals if they wanted to use a hoeing machine with camera and section control: the ISOBUS terminal for width section control and a second terminal for displaying the camera image and adjusting the hoeing machine. With its iQblue Weeder software, LEMKEN has for the first time successfully integrated the complete control of a hoeing machine, including the camera image and width sections into an ISOBUS system so that all controls are displayed on one CCI 800 or 1200 terminal, providing an inexpensive, convenient and clear solution for users.
The ISOBUS system records the implement position and tractor speed. Operation is also possible via either the tractor's own joystick or the CCI joystick. The system is also ready for high-speed ISOBUS and uses a standard ISO 17215 interface via Ethernet for transmitting the video image enriched with camera information.
Users also benefit from automatic over-the-air machine updates so that their machines are always up to date. For maintenance and troubleshooting, service technicians can access the software remotely and optimise settings. Settings are then immediately displayed in the camera image for review and can be readjusted autonomously if necessary. The general menu structure of the system is in line with the LEMKEN standard and facilitates intuitive operation.